March 2020 - As one driving season has ended and another will soon be upon us, NYAROC sends you, its members, thisnewsletter, as a look back at the recent past events and to inform you of some exciting news for the new season of 2020.
In this issue:
A message from the past President of NYAROC and New NYAROC President.
Looking back over the past season
Coming up for the 2020 driving season
As the NYAROC President for the past 10 years, it has been my honor to serve the New York Chapter in its highest office. The friendships that I have gained and the events we have produced over the past 10 years have been extremely rewarding. My love for the marque brought me here, but the people made me stay. It is truly the best way to enjoy your car and feed your passion for everything Alfa Romeo. There were certainly some quiet times when we were a small but strong group, carrying the banner for a marque that was missing from these shores for many years. We valued our prized antiques and hoped for a day when the marque would return, and return it did. The return brought us new Alfas and new members. We've seen the club grow steadily since the re-introduction of the marque stateside. With new members being added constantly, NYAROC is the best place to exchange information and get answers to questions for those who are new to the marque.
Our calendar of events is active and our past events are well documented with stories and photos on the NYAROC website. In 2015, we had our proudest moment during my time in office when we hosted (together with the Connecticut chapter and some members of the New England chapter) Alfamiglia Nordest; the National Convention for AROC-USA. Many will tell you that it was and is to this day, the standard by which National Conventions are judged. We were able to procure many rare and special vintage Alfa Romeos for our Concorso and also had Donald Osborne and Keith Martin support the Concorso as judges. In addition, Mr. Osborne was gracious enough to make a presentation as the Banquet Speaker.
However, it is the growth and future of NYAROC that I find most exciting. The creation of an apparel page on our site (, is a great way for you to show your support and love for your Alfa Romeo and for NYAROC. In addition, the upcoming events for 2020 will surely make this year one of the greatest ever. So don't be a stranger. Reach out to any of the NYAORC Board Members or Chairpersons and join us at one of our upcoming events. FORZA ALFA BABY !
Dr. Dino G. Pappous
Former President - New York Alfa Romeo Owners Club
As your newly elected New York Alfa Romeo Owners Club President, I welcome all of you to NYAROC and to our 2020 Club Newsletter. For the past 10 years, NYAROC has experienced continued growth and success under the guidance and leadership of our past President, Dr. Dino Pappous. We thank Dino for his tireless and unwavering commitment, dedication and passion to NYAROC. It is my privilege and honor to accept the club reins from Dino and lead NYAROC into the future.
Alfa Romeo was always part of my childhood due to my father’s passion for the marque. His original 1969 Alfa Romeo 1750 Berlina is what influenced me to love Alfas. We always had one or more Alfas in the family and currently we are three generations of Alfisti who are active NYAROC members. I have personally been a member of NYAROC for over 10 years and I currently serve on the National Alfa Romeo Owners Club Board of Directors.
I cannot think of a better time to be a NYAROC member and NY chapter President. We have seen a complete transformation with Alfa Romeo since its re-introduction to the US. Many years ago we were all out in our beautiful vintage Alfas driving them to shows, events, activities or simply just for a drive on the open road with our tops down or our arms hanging out the windows. We would wonder if we would ever see new Alfas in dealerships again. Our hopes and dreams came alive through the passion and enthusiasm of the late, great, Sergio Marchionne - .the new Alfas finally arrived! They brought us the 8C, the 4C, the Giulia, and the Stelvio. We started to see the club become re-invigorated with new ideas, new members, and new excitement. New Alfa dealers started popping up and the serpent and cross was displayed proudly. Alfa Romeo graced us with new beautiful, sleek, sporty and fast vehicles. Our hopes and dreams instantly became reality. There is not one day that goes by now, that you do not see a new Alfa on the road!
Please take the opportunity to explore the club’s website and become familiar with the events and activities that we hold each year. Also, check out our new merchandise section for your Alfa needs. We have a longstanding weekly breakfast gathering on Sunday mornings that is open to all. You do not have to be a member to attend, just bring your passion for Alfas and that is all you need. Our club members have a vast knowledge and many years of experience with Alfas and they are a valuable resource to your new or vintage Alfas. We encourage members and non-members to contact us regarding any questions you might have. We love Alfas!!! The heart of our club is our members and the long-lasting relationships and friendships that you will make. Everyone has a story, an experience, and something exciting to share about Alfa Romeo. Our club has seen significant membership growth over the past 10 years and we are always excited to welcome new members to be part of our NYAROC family. So don’t wait, give us a call, send us an email, become a member, come to breakfast, attend an event or activity and share in the true passion of Alfa Romeo. As the beautiful weather is soon upon us, get in your new or vintage Alfa and enjoy the open road!
Forza Alfa Romeo!!
2019 Was another busy year for NYAROC with many great events throughout the year. Below are some of the special events we were involved with. If you missed out on attending - check out some of photos below. For more see our past events page.
Greenwich Concours D'elegance 2019
May 31st – June 2nd, 2019. 2019 - Zagato Featured Marque.
Italian Festival Cultural Showcase
JULY 1, 2019 - Smithtown Historical Society
SEPTEMBER 1, 2019 - Huntington NY
NYAROC Annual Fall Awards Dinner
NOVEMBER 23, 2019 - Douglaston, NY
NYAROC Winter Party 2020
FEBRUARY 8, 2020 - Huntington NY
This years driving season will feature some very important events for the New York area Alfisti. Aside from our yearly scheduled chapter events there are two other major happenings; AROC-USA Nation Convention in Colorado Springs and The Watkins Glen Vintage Grand Prix featuring Alfa Romeo! We encourage you to take a look at the links below and register as soon as possible to avoid missing out. For more visit the NYAROC Events Page
AROC-USA: 2020 National Convention
Colorado Springs - 19- 26 July 2020
Lime Rock Historic Festival
September 3 - 7 2020
Watkins Glen Grand Prix Historic Festival
September 10 - 13, 2020