NYAROC Holliday Party 2015

The New York Alfa Romeo Owners Club had the pleasure of congregating once again for it's annual post Holiday "Holiday Party" at the charmingly inviting home of George and Lynn Pezold. The welcoming Victorian was the former estate of Silent Film Actress Fannie Brice and has served as the setting for countless NYAROC Holiday Parties.

Although the rain was unrelenting, the turnout was fabulous and the laughter, good times, and great food was equally unrelenting. As old friends caught up with each other and exchanged their latest and greatest Alfa stories, the overwhelming buzz in the air was about the Alfa Romeo 4 C. Yes, a new Alfa Romeo that is currently available on our shores. In addition, much excitement revolved around the upcoming National Convention, dubbed Alfamiglia Nordest 2015,  that NYAROC will be jointly hosting with the Connecticut Chapter as well as having numerous volunteers from Alfa Owners of New England (AONE).

With Dr. Frank LaSala(Connecticut Chapter President) making the 270 mile round trip it was a testament to the brotherhood that our clubs share.  Together with NYAROC President (Dr. Dino Pappous), the Alfamiglia Nordest 2015 Convention news was updated and T-shirts and apparel were on display. The convention effort is in full swing with sponsorships accumulating and the convention web site ready to open for registration.

All in all, it was another grand success culminating with a belated New Year's Toast led by National and New York Board of Director member Mr. David Rivkin. As the bubbly flowed and the rain fell, the NYAROC Holiday Party spread belated holiday cheer on all that congregated yet again. Through the continued hospitality of the Pezold's, to the coordinating of the food by NYAROC Secretary Mr. Vincent Lambroia, to the spectacular graphic art deployed in all of our promotional efforts by NYAROC Board of Director member Mr. Louis Grasso,to the spectacular photography of NYAROC Board of Director Mr. Giovanni DeGeorge, and on to the coordinating efforts of NYAROC Vice President Mr. John Catera, and NYAROC Board of Director Mr. George Linton, the NYAROC team put on a great show once more.

---Dr. Dino Pappous
President New York Alfa Romeo Owners Club


New York 2015 Auto Show