Cars & Coffee at Westbury Alfa Romeo
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2021 - 9:00 AM 12:00 PM
Robert D Cess Concorso d'Eleganza 15

Perfect weather and a lack of events for the season colluded to make this a huge event
with a record number of attendees.
Thanks to Deji Abraham for the video above.
Watkins Glen Vintage Grand Prix - 2021 - Alfa Romeo Featured Marque

Alfa Romeo was the featured marque at the 2021 Watkins Glen Grand Prix Festival and the 2021 Tour de Marque.
Since 1993, the Grand Prix Festival of Watkins Glen has celebrated our heritage of motor racing. As in previous years, a tribute to the Grand Prix races are featured in a variety of events during this all day festival. Events include the Walk of Fame award ceremony, a historical lecture called The Legends Speak, a pre-race Tech Inspection at Smalley's Garage, as well as several rolling events and two car shows known as the Stone Bridge Driver Events.
This year members of NYAROC enjoyed an entire weekend of Alfa Romeo events:
Wednesday September 8th 2021
NY Alfisti drove in a caravan together to "The Glen." Along the way, they made a pit stop at the beautiful lakeside home of NYAROC members, Vic and Gail, who hosted everyone and prepared a lovely lunch meal for all to enjoy
Thursday September 9th 2021
The start of the official Vintage Weekend events began with the Lakewood Vineyards FLX Alfa Romeo Show and Journey to the Top Car Show and Rallye. Alfa owners from all across the USA converged on Lafayette Park in downtown Watkins Glen. After signing in and exploring the town, participants went on a scenic drive throughout some of the most interesting sights the area had to offer. The drive terminated at Lakewood Vineyards.
Friday, September 10 2021
The main event of the weekend was the Tour de Marque featuring Alfa Romeo. Just after sunrise, drivers converged on Chateau LaFayette Reneau Winery for a wonderful breakfast and driver's meeting. Driving instructions for the scenic drive were distributed and one-by-one cars were released for the several hour drive. A lunch stop was incorporated into the drive at a large forest recreation area. The second half of the drive included several laps on the historic Watkins Glen circuit, including the original street sections of the old historical track. The drive terminated at Lafayette Park where participants enjoyed the town and viewed historic race cars blasting down Main Street
Saturday September 11th 2021
Racing is what Watkins Glen is all about and in particular, vintage racing is the highlight of the weekend. Aside from the exciting on-track action, race fans also were permitted to wander around the paddock and see the historic race cars up close and even talk to the owners/racers. What a wonderful display of historic vintage Alfas tearing up the track

After the races…... With a busy day at the track behind us, it was time to unwind. For some, it was a stop at a local BBQ, for others it was a beautiful sunset dinner on Captain Bill's Seneca Lake Cruises
Additional photos from the Tour de Marque by ALLSTYLES PRODUCTIONS.
These photos are also available for purchase via their website
Click image below
NYAROC Car Show at Alfa Romeo of White Plains
June 5th 2021 - Alfa Romeo of White Plains hosted an open house for NYAROC.
Angelina’s Tottenvilla - Alfa Giulia across the USA
Angelina’s Tottenvilla Address: 399 Ellis ave SI,. NY 10307
Special guest: the North American Alfa Romeo national ambassador Ofer Kedem driving his Alfa Giulia across the US on a National tour stopping at our show to speak and share his Alfisi passion with all!
Many Alfas and other amazing Italian cars were in attendance at a great location presented by a well organized Italian car club. (This is the same club that holds the popular annual Italian car meet at Casa Belvedere) This event was organized by Matt Ligotti, North East Italian Car Club.
A number of NYAROC members were in attendance.
Ofer reported that he is being welcomed on the road and everywhere he stops. He also noted that he was the president of the Tel Aviv Alfa Club. I asked if he could put the word in to Alfa Romeo to send some GTA's to the USA, but I'm not sure what he responded, in either French or Hebrew, something about Peugeot.