The Dr. Robert Cess Concorso d’Eleganza 2012

The annual Concorso d’Eleganza was celebrated on Sunday, September 23rd at Stony Brook University.

This was the 7th year of the event and was being officially named this year and hereafter: The Dr. Robert Cess Concorso d’Eleganza  in recognition of  Robert Cess, Marine Science Professor Emeritus, Stony Brook University, whose interest in Italian automobiles, especially the Alfa Romeo, served as the inspiration and impetus for having this show initially and as a continuing annual campus event.

NYAROC was prominently in attendance. Several members drove to the campus in an Alfa caravan having joined together for breakfast at the Hauppauge Paradise Diner. An assortment of Spiders, GTV’s, 164’s, Milano’s and a rare Alfa Junior Zagato were on display with other Italian marques, including Ferrari, Fiat and Maserati. The weather was perfect. Acknowledgements went out to Jo Fusco of Stony Brook and Vinny Lambroia of NYAROC for their work in organizing & planning this annual event.

The day was capped by Dr. Cess winning the 1st place award for his immaculate ’69 1750 Spider Duetto.

Congratulations Bob. Our day was completed by a delicious luncheon provided by the Italian Studies Dept. We all look forward to returning for next year’s event


Lunch at Cafe Giulia - April 21st 2012

NYAROC invited fellow Alfistis from the local AROC chapters (AROC-CT & AONE) to join them for a fantastic lunch at Cafe Giulia. Preceding the lunch was a scenic drive, following was a visit to Alfas Unlimited. Unfortunately chef and owner of Cafe Giulia Rober Willis passed away only two months after our visit.