News Fred Frey News Fred Frey

Stuart Light in Memory

Stuart Light passed away August 18, 2018 at the age of 71. Recently he had been battling a number of serious medical problems and for several months had been hospitalized. Although seriously ill, he was always reluctant to discuss his illness, probably because his main interest was the car clubs and his friends. He was never married, and considered his car club associates his family.

Stu was a true auto enthusiast. In his early years he was exposed to some of the finest racing anywhere at Daytona speedway for the 24 hour endurance and Sebring 12 hour race as a guest of the Ferrari racing team NART. Shortly after he participated in several club autocross and attended auto races at Bridgehampton and Lime Rock. Over the years he enjoyed his many sports cars including Corvette and FIAT, but his passion was for Alfa Romeo.

 He maintained his press credentials acquired when he interned for Car and Driver and he regularly produced articles which appeared in club and auto magazines worldwide. He also held long term membership in many Auto clubs including: SCCA (Chairman of the Planting Fields Arboretum Auto Show),  Madison Ave Sports Car Driving and Chowder Society (Chowder), Hempstead Plains Classic Car Club, AACA Greater NY Region and New York Alfa Romeo Owners Club (past club Secretary). As well, he was a contributor and “correspondent” with Alfa clubs in other countries - Australia and New Zealand among others.

Stu had been steadily employed, in various auto related businesses. Later in life his company was bought out and his position terminated. Like our Alfas, age had begun to creep up on him, and while he could be "difficult", to his credit he never uttered, at least not in public, a bad word about anybody. 

One of the last things he said was that he just wanted to drive his 1986 GTV-6, (which he had owned since new), one more time.

 He was a unique, loyal and unforgettable character, rest in peace.

Victor Cerami 
Director NYAROC

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News, party, award Fred Frey News, party, award Fred Frey

 2017 NYAROC Winter Party & Quadrifoglio Premio

The New York Alfa Romeo Owners Club returned to a familiar venue for its 2017 Winter Party, the Northport Yacht Club.  With its comfortable dining area and large bar, it served as the perfect setting.  This year, there was something different. That something different however was not found inside the Yacht Club.  Rather, it was in the parking lot. New Alfa Romeos, 3 of them, all Giulias.  Something our club has been longing for since 1995.  The ability to purchase a new Alfa Romeo.  Thankfully, that day has arrived.  In addition to new cars in the parking lot, we had the addition of new members at the party.  An additional benefit of Alfa's reemergence stateside is the introduction of new members to the marque and to our club.  In fact, since the introduction of the Giulia sedan, NYAROC membership is up almost 20% !  

But let's talk about our event.  NYAROC has long maintained a tradition of honoring members of the club that give of their time and serve the club either as members of the Board of Directors or chose to serve on the National Board of Directors.  The club has established the "Order of the Serpent" to acknowledge these individuals.  

However, the club needed to create an award to honor long standing members of our club. With many individuals maintaining their membership in NYAROC for decades, this was a glaring omission.  To that end, the "Quadrifoglio Premio" (Quadrifoglio Award) was established.  The brainchild of NYAROC Vice President John Catera, the inaugural recipient was a very deserving, long standing member of NYAROC, Mr. Michael Intintoli.  

Mr. Intintoli is a NYAROC member since 1973.  He is a retired mechanical engineer formerly employed by the Sperry Corporation which was a US government military defense contractor.  He is extremely knowledgeable and mechanically inclined when it comes to all things Alfa Romeo. He still owns the 1969 Alfa Romeo Berlina 1750 that he purchased new in 1970 and has infected his sons, Anthony and Frank, with the Alfa bug. Pictured here with his wife, sons, and daughter-in-laws, it was a great surprise to Mike, and NYAROC was extremely proud to acknowledge one of its longest active members.  All in all, with the addition of new cars, new members, and a new award, the 2017 NYAROC Winter Party was a huge success.

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4C, News Fred Frey 4C, News Fred Frey

Finally a Local Alfisti Takes Delivery of a 4C

By Stuart “Dr. Alfa” Light

Vic Cerami viewing his new Alfa Romeo 4C for the first time.

Vic Cerami viewing his new Alfa Romeo 4C for the first time.

I can’t believe it was almost two years ago when I first saw an Alfa Romeo 4C at the Jacob Javits Convention Center on Press Day at the New York Auto was something different and unique from previous regular production Alfa Romeos. Not only did it have a carbon fiber tub and other light weight components to keep the weight down to about 2500 lbs., it also had a turbo charged 1.7 liter all aluminum engine putting out 237hp. Yep, it was a tight fit getting in behind the steering wheel but as with many Alfa Romeos you don’t get into them…ya kinda “strap them on”. 

Fernando & Alfredo Gulla plus Gail & Vic Cerami.

Fernando & Alfredo Gulla plus Gail & Vic Cerami.

    I looked at fellow local Alfisti, wondering who would be the first one to buy a 4C. Hey…don’t look at me...I wish I could afford buy one…however…the high 50s to low 70s price range kinda puts me outta the market….about the only 4C that I can afford is a container of breadcrumbs (lol). I dunno what was going on…soo many excuses…but it wasn’t about the price. A few Alfisti said they didn’t fit behind the steering wheel…true…others mentioned that they’d wait for the larger 2017 Giulia Sedan to become available. Vic & Gail Cerami, however said they’d wait for a 4C Spider to become available. 

Alfredo & Vic

Alfredo & Vic

It didn’t surprise me when New York Alfa Romeo Owners Club Director, Vic Cerami mentioned that he put down a deposit on a 4C Spider at Alfa Romeo/FIAT Larchmont. After all in the past few years he purchased a FIAT 500L and a FIAT Abarth from them...and me…my relationship with the Gulla Family goes back to 1986 when I took delivery of my Alfa Romeo GTV-6, a car that I still own and treasure today thirty years later (photo attached). 

Alfa Romeo/FIAT Larchmont is a family business started by Alfredo Gulla in 1961 and it is still run by him and his family over 50 years later....for a long time before Alfa Romeo left the USA at the end of 1995 Alfredo was also the head of the Alfa Romeo Dealers Association in the USA. FIATs and Alfa Romeos are part of their life. Everybody in the dealership eats drinks and lives Alfa Romeo and FIAT….as a contrast, many salespeople I have met at other dealerships might be better suited selling sporting goods or ladies shoes. It’s no surprise to me that this dealership is number 2 in sales for the NYC Metro area with many customers driving over bridges to travel to Larchmont.

Finally on a cold Winter Day in early February I received a call from Vic requesting that I join him and Gail for the trip to Larchmont to pick up their 4C. After a quick lunch at a local diner we made the northbound trek to Westchester. I could tell that Vic was concerned about the patches of snow and ice on the highway and how it might affect the drive going home, but as we crossed into Westchester on I-95 the snow and ice became less evident and Vic stopped worrying…at least for the moment.

We arrived in the Cerami’s FIAT 500L early afternoon. Both Alfredo and Fernando were there to greet us…we hugged each other…it was as much of a family reunion as a car delivery. Like I said…the Gulla family knows how to treat customers…it’s one of the reasons they attract customers from Long Island. 

Fernando instructing Vic how to use the controls on the 4C

Fernando instructing Vic how to use the controls on the 4C

Vic finally got a look at his new 4C….there was a huge smile on his face as he and Gail walked around it….it was very special….everything from the optional red paint to the removable top. Everything about it was high tech….there’s even a computer app. for the 4C. It looked like Vic’s was the only red 4C Spider on the premises….of course all the 4Cs were all kept indoors… there were a couple of yellow Spiders, a red coupe and a white Spider on the showroom floor locked up of course. I’d probably want one in gray or black…less noticeable on the road.

After completing the paperwork in the office, Fernando went with Vic for a test drive, showing him how to operate the 4C…then it was time to head back to Long Island. There I was having the honor of being the first occupant in the passenger seat riding “shotgun”. My job was to keep Vic aware of cars coming up on the passenger side and of course keeping an eye out for patches of ice and snow plus potholes.  

It was easier for Vic to drive the 4C than he thought….everything was drive-by-wire..all electronic…nothing to do but take it easy to break-in the 4C and watch for Gail driving the FIAT 500L in the rearview mirror. We arrived at Casa Cerami without incident of course…and after tucking the 4C away it was time for me to go back to “my estate”. It was a great afternoon… wonderful to see a deserving Alfisti take delivery of a 4C. 

Now that a local Alfisti “broke the ice” and took delivery of a 4C maybe others will do the same…maybe if I win the lottery I’ll have a 4C in MY driveway…I can dream can’t I (lol)?

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