Audrain Newport Concours d'Elegance
We are proud to welcome you to the third Annual Audrain Newport Concours & Motor Week presented by the Audrain Automobile Museum.
This world class event will bring the best of the motoring world to our renowned East Coast city rich with automotive history dating back to the dawn of the motoring age.
The events during this week will be hosted at some of Newport’s most notable locations; the historic mansions of Bellevue Avenue, the International Tennis Hall of Fame, the Audrain Automobile Museum, the Redwood Library and Athenaeum, the National Museum of American Illustration, the Newport Pell Bridge, and local city and state parks.
Contacts: Mike Bange: 631-379-4060 mikebange@gmail.com / George Linton: gtlinton@aol.com

Robert D. Cess Concorso d’Eleganza IS CANCELED due to inclement weather.
Center for Italian Studies at Stony Brook University
The Robert D. Cess Concorso d’Eleganza XVII has been canceled due to anticipated inclement weather.
This event will be rescheduled sometime in the future. Check back here for details.

Lime Rock Historic Festival 41 & Sunday in the Park
Celebrating its 41st year, the Lime Rock Historic Festival launches into action over Labor Day weekend with a 17-mile tour through the area with Thursday’s Vintage Race Car and Sports Car Parade. Friday, Saturday and Monday feature non-stop, on-track competition across a diverse set of historic racing classes.
On Sunday, the Lime Rock Concours and Gathering of the Marques display nearly 1,000 enthusiast cars and motorcycles arranged around the Lime Rock circuit.!
Contact: Vic Cerami 516-410-6524

AROC-USA National Convention: 2023
In 2023, the Alfa Romeo Owners Club National Convention moves to the East Coast to the beautiful Piedmont area of North Carolina. The Piedmont area is a plateau of gentle hills between the coastal plains and the majestic Blue Ridge mountains. Winding roads in the mountains lead down to the gentle hills of Concord where the host hotel is located. Rolling farmland and old-fashioned Southern hospitality that harkens the vero spirito of the "Piemonte" region of Italy.
The Embassy Suites in Concord, NC is an ideal host hotel for the Convention.
Its multi-story atrium ascends around the main activity space and there is private parking for the convention. It is just two miles from the Charlotte Motor Speedway, an internationally known venue
for racing, where the time trials will be held. We will be visiting one of the largest bourbon distilleries in the Southeast as well as the Piccione Vineyards, which features award winning Italian style wines.
The Concorso will be held on the gently sloping lawn at Harrisburg Park, just 10 minutes from the hotel, with all the amenities necessary to host a magnificent Concorso d’Eleganza.

Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals
The Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals welcomes the world of cars transcending all marques, scenes and styles of Import and Performance vehicles. This exciting event welcomes Imported vehicles from around the world as well as domestics, kit cars, motorcycles and trucks and high end performance vehicles. See the top builds, restorations, clubs and brands representing the world of automobiles and performance. Join us for your high-octane adrenaline fix with autocross, drifting, rolling exhaust competition, burnouts and more.

Caffeine and Carburators
Caffeine & Carburetors is a gathering of automotive enthusiasts. We meet at Zumbach’s Gourmet Coffee in New Canaan, CT about 6 times year to enjoy our rides and share them with like-minded gear heads hiding in and around Connecticut and New York.
We have a tendency to lean toward sports cars, with the occasional Model A or 1920′s Rolls Royce, but our emphasis is on foreign sports cars. We enjoy all vehicles and there are no sponsorships or awards.
Doug Zumbach began hosting these gatherings in 1995. These Sundays start around 8 am to gather and enjoy a cup of coffee followed by a leisurely drive through the countryside.
Caffeine and Carburetors is a way to indulge the gear head in all of us.
Event schedule is always listed in the sidebar. Being a gathering and not a juried event, there is no registration, and events are free for all.

Scarsdale Concours D'Elegance
We are very happy to announce that the Scarsdale Concours d’Elegance will be back for 2021! This year’s show is set for October 3, 2021, and we are looking forward to seeing everyone – participants (past and new!), sponsors, and spectators from near and far. We will of course follow any and all Covid-19 guidelines and restrictions imposed by New York State, and are thrilled to be able to proceed with this year’s event. We want to thank all our past and current supporters and participants, and look forward to seeing you all in October! For those who wish to continue to support our fund-raising efforts on behalf of our local charitable organizations, please click the “DONATE” button at the top of this page. Thank you again on behalf of the Scarsdale Concours d’Elegance!

Audrain Newport Concours d'Elegance
We are proud to welcome you to the third Annual Audrain Newport Concours & Motor Week presented by the Audrain Automobile Museum.
This world class event will bring the best of the motoring world to our renowned East Coast city rich with automotive history dating back to the dawn of the motoring age.
The events during this week will be hosted at some of Newport’s most notable locations; the historic mansions of Bellevue Avenue, the International Tennis Hall of Fame, the Audrain Automobile Museum, the Redwood Library and Athenaeum, the National Museum of American Illustration, the Newport Pell Bridge, and local city and state parks.
Contacts: Mike Bange: 631-379-4060 mikebange@gmail.com / George Linton: gtlinton@aol.com

Robert D. Cess Concorso d’Eleganza - NYAROC Event
Center for Italian Studies at Stony Brook University Announcement
We are pleased to invite your participation in the:
Robert D. Cess Concorso d’Eleganza XVI
Annual Celebration of Italian Vehicle Excellence and Beauty
Sunday, September 18, 2022, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
A display of “art forms on wheels” as a means of illustrating one form of Italian culture.
Display vehicles will rally at Stony Brook University campus on the lawn adjacent to the Graduate Physics Building and directly across from the Sports Complex off John S. Toll Drive. Download a map to the show here. Both registration and viewing are free and open to the public
We ask owners of Italian vehicles interested in participating in this display to register by completing the information called for on the form below and returning it as soon as possible to the email address listed on the form.
For updates and last-minute notices about this event, consult the Center for Italian Studies web
page: https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/italian_studies/
Please provide information requested below and return via email: josephine.fusco@stonybrook.edu
Vehicle Owner’s Name__________________________________________________________
Vehicle Make/Description______________________________________________________
E mail________________________________________________________
Upon receipt of registration, an acknowledgement will be sent and additional details about participating in the event will be provided.
Thank you!
Jo Fusco
Assistant Director
Center for Italian Studies
Stony Brook University
Attached below. Link for accessing Memory Video of last year's Concorso XV.
Donna Drake Show Attends Annual Robert D. Cess Concorso d'Eleganza XV at Stony Brook University: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adYzqQ9o7RQ

Caffeine and Carburators
Caffeine & Carburetors is a gathering of automotive enthusiasts. We meet at Zumbach’s Gourmet Coffee in New Canaan, CT about 6 times year to enjoy our rides and share them with like-minded gear heads hiding in and around Connecticut and New York.
We have a tendency to lean toward sports cars, with the occasional Model A or 1920′s Rolls Royce, but our emphasis is on foreign sports cars. We enjoy all vehicles and there are no sponsorships or awards.
Doug Zumbach began hosting these gatherings in 1995. These Sundays start around 8 am to gather and enjoy a cup of coffee followed by a leisurely drive through the countryside.
Caffeine and Carburetors is a way to indulge the gear head in all of us.
Event schedule is always listed in the sidebar. Being a gathering and not a juried event, there is no registration, and events are free for all.

Lime Rock Historic Festival 40 & Sunday in the Park - NYAROC
Celebrating its 40th year, the Lime Rock Historic Festival launches into action over Labor Day weekend with a 17-mile tour through the area with Thursday’s Vintage Race Car and Sports Car Parade. Friday, Saturday and Monday feature non-stop on-track competition a diverse set of historic racing classes.
On Sunday, the Lime Rock Concours and Gathering of the Marques display nearly 1,000 classic cars and motorcycles arranged around the Lime Rock circuit. Read on for more information on each event!
Contact: Vic Cerami 516-410-6524

Bring your Italian car or motorcycle or simply your love for Italian design. We invite you to join us as we celebrate the passion, design, performance and art of Italian style – here at the Larz Anderson Auto Museum! In addition to all the beautiful automobiles and motorcycles there will be music, food and various vendors on site. The show runs from 10am-2pm

Old Westbury Gardens Antique Car Show
56th Annual Spring Meet at Beautiful Old Westbury Gardens
June 5 @ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event Navigation
Rain Date: Sunday, June 12, 2022
$20.00 per car if registered before May 20th
Stock vehicles 1927 & earlier $5.00 by May 20th
Day of show $25.00, space permitting
Day of show Hotline – 516-333-0049
This is a judged event. All pre-registered vehicles will be visually judged, in accordance with GNYR standards.
Judging is based on originality (as it left the factory), options, etc., must be documented by the owner.
Classes include Stock and Modified/Hot Rod 25yrs or older welcome.
Each vehicle must have its own Fire Extinguisher
Completed judging forms are the property of the GNYR.
GNYR reserves the right to combine or delete classes.
Trophies and Awards:
Trophies for 20+ classes, 1st, 2nd and 3rd per class
Memorial awards will be presented
All vehicles must be on the field by 11AM
Show cars may use the Post Avenue entrance – Oversize vehicles, trailers MUST use the Post Ave entrance.
No tents or canopies shall not impede vehicle lanes, no loud music, no BBQs.
All drivers must abide by all rules of Old Westbury

Caffeine and Carburators
Caffeine & Carburetors is a gathering of automotive enthusiasts. We meet at Zumbach’s Gourmet Coffee in New Canaan, CT about 6 times year to enjoy our rides and share them with like-minded gear heads hiding in and around Connecticut and New York.
We have a tendency to lean toward sports cars, with the occasional Model A or 1920′s Rolls Royce, but our emphasis is on foreign sports cars. We enjoy all vehicles and there are no sponsorships or awards.
Doug Zumbach began hosting these gatherings in 1995. These Sundays start around 8 am to gather and enjoy a cup of coffee followed by a leisurely drive through the countryside.
Caffeine and Carburetors is a way to indulge the gear head in all of us.
Event schedule is always listed in the sidebar. Being a gathering and not a juried event, there is no registration, and events are free for all.

Northeast USA 4C Meetup and Rally
For more information visit
Contact: Vic Cerami 516-410-6524

Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals
The Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals welcomes the world of cars transcending all marques, scenes and styles of Import and Performance vehicles. This exciting event welcomes Imported vehicles from around the world as well as domestics, kit cars, motorcycles and trucks and high end performance vehicles. See the top builds, restorations, clubs and brands representing the world of automobiles and performance. Join us for your high-octane adrenaline fix with autocross, drifting, rolling exhaust competition, burnouts and more.

Tobay Beach Spring Classic Car Show
at TOBAY Beach
We are proud to invite you to Car Show Long Island’s
SpringClassic on Saturday, April 30, 2022 at TOBAY Beach.
Long Island’s premiere car show features hundreds of classic, custom and retro
automobiles and trucks for a free day of fun for the entire family.
Whether you’re a proud classic car owner or you just want to see the best cars in
the region, Car Show Long Island is the place to be! This free family-fun event is a
perfect way to spend the day, all with the beautiful backdrop of TOBAY Beach.
Spectators can check out cool cars, vendors, exhibits, grab a bite to eat from one of the many food trucks at Car Show Long Island’s renowned Food Court Corral
and enjoy live music by that 70’s Band
while surrounded by Long Island’s most classic, muscle, antique and exotic cars.
Car owners can pre-register their vehicles at www.carshowli.com for $15 per car or register the day-of for $25 per car. The rain date for the event is Sunday, May 1, 2022. The event is free to spectators who are asked to bring two cans of food to donate to Island Harvest, the largest hunger relief organization on Long Island.
For more information or to become a sponsor of the event,
call (516) 797-4121 or e-mail carshowli@oysterbay-ny.gov.
Contact: Dan DeGiovine dansax@optonline.net

Caffeine and Carburators
Caffeine & Carburetors is a gathering of automotive enthusiasts. We meet at Zumbach’s Gourmet Coffee in New Canaan, CT about 6 times year to enjoy our rides and share them with like-minded gear heads hiding in and around Connecticut and New York.
We have a tendency to lean toward sports cars, with the occasional Model A or 1920′s Rolls Royce, but our emphasis is on foreign sports cars. We enjoy all vehicles and there are no sponsorships or awards.
Doug Zumbach began hosting these gatherings in 1995. These Sundays start around 8 am to gather and enjoy a cup of coffee followed by a leisurely drive through the countryside.
Caffeine and Carburetors is a way to indulge the gear head in all of us.
Event schedule is always listed in the sidebar. Being a gathering and not a juried event, there is no registration, and events are free for all.

Cars & Coffee at Westbury Alfa Romeo
Our friends at Westbury Alfa Romeo have invited NYAROC members to bring their new or vintage Alfas to an open house on October 10th. 2021.

Robert D. Cess Concorso d'Eleganza 15
Join us for this fantastic show on the grounds of Stony Brook University. After the show, we are rolling over to Savino's Hideaway for lunch: 258 N Country Rd, Mt Sinai, NY 11766
A pre-breakfast will be at Lake Grove Diner the Lake Grove Diner at 7:30am with the group departing at 8:30am sharp!

AROC-CT 50th Anniversary Party
Our 50th Year (plus1) 1970-2020
We have enjoyed the support of the Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club and Italian Car community for many years. Our membership has been consistent at about 120 members. We invite you to join with us to celebrate our 50th anniversary Saturday, September 25th. Our Club is providing the luncheon, drinks, and gifts (customized hats, emblems, etc.) A $10 per person cost will help to offset equipment rentals.
Registration is required. Kathy Davias, our treasurer, is taking reservations with
payment by September 18, 2021.
Please send her an email letting her know:

Watkins Glen Grand Prix Festival 2021 - Alfa Romeo featured Marque!
Alfa Romeo will be the featured marque at the
2021 Watkins Glen Grand Prix Festival and the 2021 Tour de Marque.
Since 1993, the Grand Prix Festival of Watkins Glen presented by Chemung Canal Trust Company has celebrated our heritage of motor racing. Last year, an estimated 25,000 spectators helped us celebrate. As in previous years, a tribute to the Grand Prix races are featured in a variety of events during this all day festival. Events include the Walk of Fame award ceremony, a historical lecture called The Legends Speak, a pre-race Tech Inspection at Smalley's Garage, as well as several rolling events and two car shows known as the Stone Bridge Driver Events.
Below is a registration form and additional information about all the events at the 2021 Watkins Glen Grand Prix Festival. Please review the form for details and instructions. You may also find additional important information about the Grand Prix Festival here: http://www.grandprixfestival.com/
Don't wait until the last minute and secure your spot early on the
Tour de Marque and other events at Watkins Glen for 2021.
Many NYAROC members are going to stay at :
The Radisson Hotel -125 Denison Parkway E Corning, NY 14830
Business Phone: (607) 962-5000
For other accommodations check out the link below
Many NYAROC members have signed up for the following events:
Thursday September 9, 2021
Lakewood Vineyards FLX Alfa Romeo Show and Journey to the Top
Car Show and Rallye
Friday- September 10, 2021
“Tour de Marque”
This is for Alfa Romeo cars only.
Saturday Sept. 11, 202,1 6pm to 9pm
Capt. Bills Dinner & Cocktail Cruise
(please arrive 1/2 hour before), $76. per adult.
Go to the website for info./booking: senecaharborstation.com (607) 535 4541.
Please indicate seating preference: NYAROC: Alfa club group, and upper deck seating.
NOTE: Due to covid they anticipate limited seating so please book asap.

Lime Rock Annual Historic Festival
EVER SINCE 1994, Fiat Club America has coordinated the Italian Car Corral at Lime Rock Park's Historic Festival over every Labor Day Weekend. We have always invited the Alfa Romeo Owners Club members and other Italian car owners to participate. On Sunday, September 5th, there will be a Gathering of the Marques all around the track. There is no extra fee — just buy a general admission ticket. On Monday, September 6th, we will hold the Italian Car Corral.
Fiat Club America and Alfa Romeo Owners Club members and guests can enjoy a private discount code for general admission tickets to Historic Festival 39, Thursday, September 2 – Monday, September 6, featuring five days of activities:
• Thursday, Sept. 2 - Vintage Race Car & Street Car Parade ending at the Falls Village Street Fair. Owners of sports cars from 1974 and earlier may apply to the track to participate in the Parade, which is a fundraiser.
• Sunday, Sept. 5 - Sunday in the Park - Concours d'Elegance & Gathering of the Marques
• Monday, Sept. 6 - A second full day of 18 races for the vintage racing entries.
Fiat and Italian car club members can use the code FIAT21 when purchasing their general admission tickets online at limerock.com or by phone at 860-435-5000 to receive a 20% discount on the following General Admission tickets for Historic Festival 39:
• Saturday - General Admission (normally $55 in advance, now $44 with this offer)
• Sunday - General Admission (ticket required if not an accepted entrant in the Concours, normally $25 advance, now $20)
• Monday - General Admission (normally $55 in advance, now $44 with this offer)
• Weekend - General Admission (normally $125 in advance, now $100 with this offer)
• Valid only for Fiat and Italian car club members and their guests – please do not share this on social media
• Tickets must be purchased in advance (by 11:59 p.m. on 8/29/21) for this to be valid
• Spectate by day with General Admission tickets (your Sunday or Weekend admission ticket also allows you to park your automobile in the Gathering of the Marques on Sunday)
• Participate as an entrant in the Concours d'Elegance by filling out an application which is available from the Track.
• Participate in an upgraded experience while at the track:
- Join the VIP Fan Hospitality tent on either race day (Saturday or Monday)
- Park in the Italian Car Corral by purchasing an Italian Car Corral parking pass for Monday)
We welcome you, the enthusiasts from Fiat and Italian marques, to take over Historic Festival 39. See you at the track!

Bring your Italian car or motorcycle or simply your love for Italian design. We invite you to join us as we celebrate the passion, design, performance and art of Italian style – here at the Larz Anderson Auto Museum! In addition to all the beautiful automobiles and motorcycles there will be music, food and various vendors on site. The show runs from 10am-2pm